I had just learned something interesting yesterday. Everyone do pray to God but do they actually know how the method of praying? This is just the basic of how to pray. Well, all of us have five fingers. I mean mostly. Lol. When we fold our hands, our thumb is actually the nearest to us. We pray for those who are close to us(love ones). Next is our pointer. Pray for those who teach you which is your teacher and anyone that taught you the direction of life. Thirdly is the tallest among the others. Pray for those that lead the country. The fourth finger is the weakest so pray for those who are suffering out there and needs help. Lastly, our so called small finger. Pray to God for your needs.
The reasons I start going back to church is actually not to change my life. Well, I had learned many things last week. I have actually learned how to discipline myself and forgive people around me. They also taught is to enjoy our life to the fullest. Ya,it's absolutely true. Besides that, do appreciate everyone around you. Do not regret if you lose them one day. So,yea.
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